Hey everybody soo this is my first official sunday posting! I had my friend alexis do my last posting which she did a great job at:) and i highly suggest everyone go look at her pictures they are amazing!! Anywho so i thought this week i would share some pictures i took while with my friend Brittani Greene. This photoshoot was toally random, I was just in the mood to take pictures so we went out to her woods...kinda sketch but the pictures turned out really cool. As always just let me know what you think!
adieu mes amours <3
I'd also like to say that i was disappointed with prada's collection this year. I usually love their clothes but this season i wasn't really digging it. They all seemed the same with boring ideas. But one thing i loved without a doubt were the sunglasses, and shoes. They were unique and fun:) There were some outfits i would have totally loved to wear and some i just go waht were they thinking???The models were kind of scary looking with very angular and masculine faces but i feel that they went with the collection provided this year.
heres the video of the show if anyone wants to watch:)
The menswear on the other hand was superb and i loved it, i hope one day i can make my husband dress in that chic, fresh cut style. For me this was a hit!